Laksa Fettuccine

Serves 2 persons


  • Laksa Stock - 400ml

  • Pomace Olive - 30ml

  • Straw Mushroom - 60gm

  • Cooked Fettuccine - 300gm

  • Arugula (Garnish)

  • Coconut Milk 50ml (optional)


  1. Add Pomace Olive into pan and put over low-medium heat.

  2. Add in the straw mushroom and sauté until the mushroom turns brown.

  3. Pour in the laksa stock and let it simmer before adding in the cooked fettuccine.

  4. Bring to boil and let it simmer until the desired concentration.

  5. [Optional] Add in coconut milk to thicken the sauce.

  6. Once the sauce thickens, turn off the heat and garnish with some arugula before serving.

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